Board Chair & Founding Board Member
James “Woody” Woody originally hails from Sequoyah County, Oklahoma, and settled in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 2008, with his wife, Sarah, after completing an 8 year enlistment in the United States Navy as an Electronics Technician.
Woody became aware of the existence of the unique one-house Nebraska Unicameral in 2009, and has been involved in observing floor debate and offering Public Testimony before the Legislature’s committees ever since. From his experience during high school of Lincoln-Douglas debate, Woody appreciated how parliamentary argumentation at the Legislature seemed founded on Good Faith - focused on the common good for the Nebraska People - instead of the Party Driven nature of argumentation he has observed in other legislative bodies as well as at the federal level of government. Extremely concerned with the continued decline of civility among legislators, and the recent encroachment of partisanship and executive overreach into the Legislature’s proceedings he was motivated to join with Nonpartisan Nebraska’s efforts at restoring the issues-based, nonpartisan governing envisioned by George Norris in 1934, back to the Nebraska State Legislature.